Martín Soto Climent wurde 1977 in Mexiko-Stadt geboren und lebt und arbeitet in Tepoztlán. Eine bedeutende Überblicksausstellung von Soto Climents Werk wurde 2023 im Museo de la Ciudad de México in Mexiko-Stadt präsentiert. In Frankreich wurde seine Arbeit kürzlich in der Einzelausstellung „Amatl“ (2021) bei Andréhn-Schiptjenko sowie in Gruppenausstellungen im Les Franciscaines, Deauville (2022), der Carmignac Foundation (2021) und dem Palais de Tokyo (2016) gezeigt. Er hatte kürzlich Einzelausstellungen im Hessel Museum of Art, Hudson (USA), Museo Universitario del Chopo Mexiko, Museo Pietro Canonica Rom, Palais de Tokyo Paris, Kunsthalle Winterthur, El ECO Museo Experimental, New Jersey Museum of Contemporary Art und Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil. Seine Werke sind in zahlreichen Sammlungen vertreten, darunter das Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, USA, das Hessel Museum, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA, die Colección Jumex, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko, die Loewe Foundation, das MCA Chicago, USA, das Migros Museum, Zürich, Schweiz, das MOCA, Miami, USA, und die François Pinault Foundation, unter anderen.
Martín Soto Climent ist bekannt für seine surrealistischen Manipulationen von Bildern und Objekten. Seine Arbeit bezieht sich auf die Formen des Körpers und die Psychologie des Begehrens, eingebettet in eine Konsumwirtschaft. Durch subtile Umdeutungen und zarte Neuarrangements mittels Aneignung und Gegenüberstellung haben seine Werke oft die bescheidene Qualität des Readymade oder erscheinen als fragile Assemblagen, die Fragen der Vergänglichkeit, des Begehrens, des Verfalls und der Randständigkeit erforschen. Soto Climent schafft Objekte, Installationen, Skulpturen und Fotografien, die Materialien und Bilder aus dem Alltag nutzen, und seine Eingriffe in Alltagsgegenstände sind gelegentlich temporär.

Detaillierte Biografie:
Lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico.
1996 Industrial Design Degree, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
2015 Master Degree in Visual Arts, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
Solo Exhibitions
2024 The Heart of Heaven / Blushing Paintings, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Sweden.
2023 La Volonté de la Volupté, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Paris, France.
El Sendero del Poeta, Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
La Danza del Fiume, Museo Casa Rusca, Locarno, Switzerland.
2022 T_h_e_ _P_h_a_n_t_o_m_’s_ _S_h_a_d_o_w_, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland.
Gentle Stranger, Union Pacific, London, United Kingdom.
2021 Phantograms, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, USA.
Amatl, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Paris, France.
2020 Gossip, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Sweden.
2019 The Skin of the Apple, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland.
In the Shadow of an Invisible Thread, Hessel Museum of Art, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, USA.
Into the Other Room, Karma International, Los Angeles, USA.
2018 Under the Immortal Skin, Galleria T293, Rome, Italy.
Temazcal, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, USA.
2017 Works and Days, curated by Chris Sharp, Atlantis - Chevalier Rose, Marseille, France.
2016 Retrospectiva, Lulu, Mexico City, Mexico.
Paradise, DREI, Cologne, Germany.
Huellas de la Revolución Industrial, Museo Pietro Canonica, Rome, Italy.
Frenetic Gossamer, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
2015 Museo Univeritario del Chopo, Mexico City, Mexico.
Proyectos Moncolva, Mexico City, Mexico.
The Contemporary Comedy: Glossy Mist, Clifton Benevento, New York, USA
2014 Luster Butterfly, T293, Rome, Italy.
All That I Never Was, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, USA.
2013 Mariposas Migratorias, Clifton Benevento, New York, USA.
2012 I Miss My Thread, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland.
The Equation of Desire, Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland.
La Alcoba Doble, T293, Naples & Rome, Italy.
The Bright of the Whisper, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
2011 Frenetic Gossamer, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, USA.
Puma de Plata, El ECO Museo Experimental, Mexico City, Mexico.
2010 Following the Whisper of My Shadow, Clifton Benevento, New York, USA.
A Long Chapter One, Sorcha Dallas, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Martin Solo Climent – _a bridge between two towers, Clifton Benevento, New York, USA.
2009 El Mago, Martin Van Zomeren, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Laberintome, T293, Naples, Italy.
Impulsive Chorus, X initiative, New York, USA.
The Intimate Revolt, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland.
For Your Eyes Only, La Sala, Mexico City, Mexico. Martin Soto Climent, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, USA.
2008 Hidden Symmetries, Broadway 1602, New York, USA.
Parabolic Dust, New Jersey Museum of Contemporary Art, Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA.
01.18.08, T293, Naples, Italy.
2007 Vacio Contenido, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico.
Paravolas de polvo, Broadway 1602, New York, USA.
2006 Checkmate, Broadway 1602, New York, USA.
Study Objects, Nina Menocal, Mexico City, Mexico.
2005 Other Objects, The Other Gallery, The Banff Center, Alberta, Canada.
Biotic Project, Subway Station Tacuba, Mexico City, Mexico.
2004 Cotton Candy Doves, MUCA, Mexico City, Mexico.
Throw Balls, UNAM Cultural Center, Mexico City, Mexico.
2003 Curious objects vol1, The space, Mexico City, Mexico.
Curious objects vol2, The space, Mexico City, Mexico.
03-03-03, installation in Jardin Hidalgo, Coyoacan, Mexico City, Mexico.
2002 It was green, Museum Desierto de los Leones, Mexico City, Mexico.
2001 Empty Spaces, Casa de la Cultura Malinalxochitl, Malinalco, Mexico.
One of So Many, Sebastian Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico.
Group Exhibitions (selected)
2024 Material Manipulations, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich, Switzerland.
2022 13th Mercosur Biennial, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2021 The Imaginary Sea, Villa Carmignac, Porquerolles island, France.
2020 Seeing Touch, Hauser Wirth, St. Moritz, Switzerland.
2019 Konkrete Gegenwart, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, Switzerland.
2018 Unstable Stillness, Perrotin Gallery, Hong Kong.
Grand Opening (Summer Rhapsody), Fonderia Artistica Battaglia, Milan, Italy.
2017 Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study, ACCA, Melbourne, Australia.
Sin Titulo (Untitled), Jonathan Ferrara Gallery, New Orleans, USA.
t twooninethree in-residence at Luciana Brito Galeria, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
2016 WHO ARE YOU?, SALTS, Basel, Switzerland.
Lanzarote, Union Pacific, London, United Kingdom.
Future Form, Gamma Galeria, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Como te voy a olvidar, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France.
Après-ski, Karma International, Los Angeles, USA.
One, No One and One Hundred Thousand, Kunsthalle Wien, Austria.
2015 WHONDERWHEEL, Depart Foundation, Miami, USA.
The prediction of a one-night king, Chalet Society, Paris, France.
Road to Ruin, Cooper Cole, Toronto, Canada.
U:L:O Part I, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, USA.
ICA Off-Site: Hong Kongese, co-curated by Gregor
Muir, Alia, Al-Senussi, and Abdullah AlTurki, curated by
I_C_A_ _a_t_ _D_u_d_d_e_l_l_’s_,_ _H_o_n_g_ _K_o_n_g_._ _
2014 Slippery, Martos Gallery, New York, USA.
Unbound: Contemporary Art After Frida Kahlo, MCA Chicago, USA.
Unsparing Quality, Diane Rosenstein Fine Art, Los Angeles, USA.
Many Places at Once, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, USA.
2013 The Unicorn, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Search for the Unicorn, The Cloister, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
To Pack and Wear, Kate Werble, New York, USA.
Black Moon, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
They might well have been remnants of the boat, Calder Foundation, New York, USA.
The First and the Last Folding, Swiss Church, London, United Kingdom.
Notes on Neo-Camp, Office Baroque, Antwerpen, Belgium.
OPINIONE LATINA, Francesca Minini, Milan, Italy.
2012 A Disagreeable Object, Sculpture Center, New York, USA.
A Stepping Stone, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany.
Death Can Dance, Townhouse, Zurich, Switzerland. Economy of Means. Toward humility in contemporary sculpture, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
R4, Ile Seguin, Paris, France.
Erogenous Zones, Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, USA.
I went to an exhibition in Warsaw, Dom Artysty Plastyka, Warsaw, Poland.
Gestures in Time - Jerusalem Show VI, Qalandiya I_n_t_e_r_n_a_t_i_o_n_a_l_ _B_i_e_n_n_i_a_l_,_ _T_h_e_ _T_i_l_e_ _F_a_c_t_o_r_y_,_ _A_l_ _M_a_’m_a_l_ _L_A_B_,_ _Gallery Anadiel, Palestine, Israel.
„A_l_l_e_z_-y_“ _A_c_t_2_, Rç/Ile Seguin, Paris, France. Exposures, Experiences, Experiments, (performance), Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg, Germany.
Kolo Plasyków, Domu Aetysty Plasyka, Warsaw, Poland. Cara domani, opere della collezione Ernesto Esposito, MAMbo, Bologna, Italy.
2011 There are two sides to every coin, and two sides to your face, Galerie Xippas, Paris, France.
Energies, unplugged and reloaded, Hausler Contemporary, Zurich, Switzerland.
Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials..., Johann Koenig, Berlin, Germany.
The moment pleasantly frightful, Laura Bartlett Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
Emerge Selections 2011, MCA – _Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, USA.
2010 Big Minis, Fetishes of Crisis,_ _M_u_s_e_é _d_’A_r_t_ _C_o_n_t_e_m_p_o_r_a_i_n_ _Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
It's All American, New Jersey Museum of Contemporary Art, New Jersey, USA.
Mascarade, chambres à part IV, Place du Trocadéro, Paris, France.
Swagger, Drag, Fit Together, Wallspace, New York, USA.
Anonymous Materials, Stiftung Binz 39, Zurich, Switzerland.
Not Extractions, but Abstractions (Part 2), Clifton Benevento, New York, USA.
Still Vast Reserves, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne, Australia.
Une Idée, une Forme, un Être - Poésie/Politique du corporel, Migros Museum, Zurich
While Bodies Get Mirrored. An Exhibition about Movement, Formalism and Space, Migros Museum, Zurich, Switzerland.
Digging in a Sandbox, Max Hans Daniel, Berlin, Germany.
Space Adventure, Villa Lentza, Poland.
Latitude Contemporary Art Exhibition (LCA), Henham Park, Suffolk, United Kingdom.
2009 Summerbreak, Hotel Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
Between Spaces, P.S.1, New York, USA.
Melodies & Rocks / Copyright, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland.
Ordinary Revolutions, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen Zero Budget Biennale, Paris, France.
Not Soul for Sale, X initiative, New York, USA. Collection of..., White Columns, New York, USA. Between the Cup and Lip, V&A, New York, USA.
Nudes, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The reach of Realism, Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, USA.
Between Spaces, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, New York, USA.
(re)Visions:(di) Visions, The Foster Gallery, University Wisconsin, Eau Claire, USA.
2008 Friends and Family, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, USA.
As Queer as a Clockwork Orange, La Sala, Mexico City, Mexico.
Re-Make / Re-Model, Sorcha Dallas, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Light, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.
T_h_e_ _S_c_u_l_p_t_u_r_e_ _C_e_n_t_e_r_’s_ _L_u_c_k_y_ _D_r_a_w_ _B_e_n_e_f_i_t_ _A_r_t_ _A_u_c_t_i_o_n_,_ _Sculpture Center, New York, USA.
2007 The Kitchen Benefit Art Auction, New York, USA.
The Office, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York, USA. New Collection presentation, Nancy & Stanley Singer, East Hampton, New York, USA.
Objects, Karma International, Zurich, Switzerland.
In Apertura, Vilma Gold, London, United Kingdom.
Walk real slow, Anna Helwig, Los Angeles, USA. Drawing outside the lines, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Pase de Abordar. Artistas viajeros Contemporáneos, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico.
2006 Solidarity Solitude, Broadway 1602, New York
Keep passing the open windows or Happiness, Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne, Germany.
Distor, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico.
2005 Begin, Began, Begun, Other Gallery, The Banff Center, Alberta, Canada.
Alegria, El mono de la Tinta, Madrid, Spain.
2002 Urban Tianguis, Franz Meyer Museum, Mexico City, Mexico.
Colección Monocroma, Centro Convenciones Hipódromo de las Américas, Mexico City, Mexico.
2001 One of so Many, Young Artist Collective, Fundacion Sebastían, Mexico City, Mexico.
Grants and Awards
2015 SAM Art Projects Residency, Villa Raffet, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.
2013 Session 4 Internship, Sesión 4, Civitella Ranieri Foundation, Civitella Ranieri Center, Umbria, Italy.
2007 Vacío Contenido: Taller infantil, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City, Mexico.
2005 FONCA Grant for an International Artist Residency at Banff Art Center.
2002 Selected to participate at the Biennale Internationale Desing Saint-Etene.
2000 FONCA Grant for Artistic production, The tunnel of the millenium, Mexico.
1996 Member of team accredited with the first place of the First Meeting of Architecture.
Students, ITESM campus Queretaro, Mexico.
Public Collections
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, USA.
Colección Jumex, Mexico City, Mexico.
François Pinault Foundation, Venice, Italy.
Hessel Museum, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, USA.
Loewe Foundation, Madrid, Spain.
MCA Chicago, Chicago, USA.
Migros Museum, Zurich, Switzerland.
MOCA, Miami, USA